Children Issues

We understand that your children’s wellbeing will be a key concern in the event of a relationship breakdown.

As accredited specialist family lawyers, we can advise you on constructive and practical solutions when making arrangements for your children, whilst ensuring that their welfare is the main focus.

We can also provide advice regarding other issues relating to your children including parental responsibility, changing a child’s name, changing their school, preventing a child leaving the country or relocating in the UK or abroad.


It is our aim to help you reach an agreement directly with the other parent or their solicitor, without having to apply to the Court for an order. If it is not possible to resolve matters through negotiation or mediation, then we will assist you with the Court process including representation at Court.


Arbitration is a cost effective and quicker way to settle disputes relating to children without having to go to Court. Engaging Alexandra Scott-Malden as your Arbitrator will mean you avoid the long wait for a Court hearing date.

You choose the hearing date, the venue and the style (in person or remote). This means it is flexible and less formal than Court. Some cases can be decided just on the papers. Arbitration can be arranged at any stage before or within the Court proceedings, before the final hearing date. It is quicker than the Court process but the outcome is still a final, binding decision.

Social Services

If social services are involved, it is important that you obtain legal advice quickly. We have experience and expertise in this area, as Alexandra Scott-Malden is an accredited specialist in Public Law children work.

We offer legal aid for cases which involve local authorities. As a parent you will automatically get legal aid for advice and assistance in the PLO process and also for court representation in care proceedings.

We can also represent other family members such as grandparents, including in cases involving Special Guardianship Orders.

Advice can also be provided on applications for contact with a child in care, applications to discharge a care order and placement/adoption cases.

We deal with cases across the South of England and are happy to travel to meetings and Courts wherever your case is.


Fixed fees can be agreed in advance, if legal aid is not available.

Other Legal Services

Divorce & Separation

Getting divorced is a stressful time, both emotionally and financially. It is possible to manage the legal split in a dignified way. Charles Hoile offers fixed fees for divorce and related financial and children matters.

Resolution Together

Resolution Together is a way of separating couples working jointly with one lawyer on their separation or divorce. This is in line with the no fault divorce process.


Arbitration is a cost effective and quicker way to settle disputes relating to children. Engaging a Charles Hoile Children's Arbitrator will mean you avoid the long wait for a Court hearing date.

Get in touch

To discuss the suitability of your case, availability and costs contact:

Alexandra Scott-Malden, Solicitor, Collaborative Lawyer

Email: Tel: 01635 45595 Mob: 07733 893613

Emma Macpherson, Consultant Solicitor and Mediator

Email: Tel: 01635 45595  Mob: 07826 603727

Ann Marie Nash, Family Assistant

Email: Tel: 01635 45595 Mob: 07780 876580